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Review/Payment Reminder Workflows, Order Summary Message, Weekly Summary Email

May 10, 2024

New Workflows

  • Review Request: Automatically ask for customer reviews via WhatsApp after order fulfillment.
  • Payment Reminder: Send reminders for pending payments over 3 hours. Access these features in Admin > Settings > Workflows.

Send WhatsApp Order Summaries

Quickly send list of order details, including delivery addresses, to your staff via WhatsApp. This is useful to share delivery information to your driver team. Find this feature under Admin > Orders > Select orders and click "Actions" button.

Weekly Summary Email

Receive a performance summary every Monday. This feature is only available for Premium and Business plan users. You can unsubscribe anytime by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button in the email.

Other Updates

  • Added Grand Total to the Analytics report 'Order over time'.
  • Fixed the flickering issue on the Storefront website.
  • Multiple workflows with the same trigger now function correctly.
  • Resolved a bug where the tax field couldn't handle empty strings.
  • Our Storefront now supports tel: and mailto: links.

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