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Reviews, Faster Website Loading and USSD payment improvements

Mar 30, 2024

⭐️ Reviews

Your customers' opinions are invaluable, and now, with our new Customer Reviews feature, you can showcase the positive experiences of your shoppers directly on your store. This feature allows you to collect, manage, and display customer feedback easily. To start collecting reviews, navigate to Admin > Reviews in your dashboard. Plus, you have full control over which reviews to display. To showcase them on your store, just toggle "Show reviews" under Admin > Design > Appearance. This feature is available for stores on the Premium plan.

💳 USSD Payment Improvements

We've made paying even easier for your customers with our enhanced USSD payment system. You can now customize the USSD dial code to include the payment amount and your merchant code, enabling a quicker and smoother checkout process. Fewer steps, happier customers!

🚀 Faster Site Loading Speed

Speed is of the essence, and we're excited to announce that we've made significant improvements to the loading speed of Take App websites globally. Enjoy a faster, more seamless browsing and shopping experience on your online store.


  • Emails Quota: We are introducing the amount you can send automated workflow emails to customers and staff. Allocated quotas per plan are: Basic - 50 emails, Premium - 500 emails, Business - 1,500 emails.
  • SKU in Invoice: For easier product tracking and inventory management, SKUs are now included in invoices.
  • UI Improvements: Smoother storefront category scroll, service details text visibility in checkout, and product category card's more visible grid/list view option
  • Cancelled orders will be excluded from the calculations of total spent and average order value in Analytics.

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