Indonesian Translation, Customers/Orders bulk edit, Discount amount limit
Jul 19, 2024
Admin Dashboard in Indonesian
We finally launched the Admin translation in Indonesian, which many people have requested. This means you can now use the Take App Admin dashboard in Indonesian. It is fully translated. You can choose the language setting from the top right corner button to switch to Indonesian. Note that we are working on translating more languages, including French and Spanish.

Customers Import from CSV File
Do you have a customer database outside of Take App that you want to import? We've implemented a CSV import function. This means you can upload hundreds of customers which includes phone numbers, names, birthdays, etc. in just a few seconds.
Orders Bulk Edit
If you receive many orders and feel tedious to change the orde, payment, or fulfillment status one by one, we have a solution for you. You can now edit orders in bulk using a spreadsheet. Change hundreds of orders in one go by clicking the "Bulk Edit" button in Admin > Orders.

Discount Amount Limit
We added an option to discount settings to limit the total discount amount customers can get. Go to Admin > Discounts and find "Limit the total discount amount."
- YouTube live session on Digital Products and Bookings
- Product’s minimum and maximum quantity to checkout
- Delivery distance is now calculated by OpenStreetMap (previously Google Maps)
- Once a map location is entered, the suggested address is prefilled
WhatsApp-first and
Commissions-free Ecommerce
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ⓒ 2025 Take App Pte Ltd
WhatsApp-first and
Commissions-free Ecommerce
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ⓒ 2025 Take App Pte Ltd
WhatsApp-first and
Commissions-free Ecommerce
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ⓒ 2025 Take App Pte Ltd