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Welcome/Prompts/Commands/Auto Reply for Connected WhatsApp Business

22 sept 2024

Welcome, Prompts, Commands & Autoreply for Connected WhatsApp Business

Customers can now reach out directly to WhatsApp Business accounts connected to your Take App store. We've introduced a welcome message and auto-replies to guide customers to your Take App websites or provide the merchant's WhatsApp phone number for support.

Customers can also start conversations using various commands:

  • /me: View membership details.
  • /hi: Start a conversation.
  • /shop: Open the website.
  • /help: Get support.

Efforts to Decrease Duplicated Orders

To reduce the occurrence of duplicated orders, we've added a new feature: when customers click the back button on the payment page, a popup will notify them that their order has already been created and instruct them to contact the merchant for any modifications.

Improved Address Search Accuracy

We've enhanced our address search functionality to provide more accurate results, ensuring customers can calculate delivery distance better.

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